31// 5 Fast & Easy Breakfast Ideas for Summer

5 Fast & Easy Breakfast Ideas for Summer.

Get this mom of three’s no-fuss, healthy AM menu ideas for next month!

Summer is starting and it took me all of one morning with my kids home to realize: I need a plan to hit the ground running with each day!

Whether you find yourself still heading out to work but with kids now heading to childcare or you are at home and busy coordinating summer sports, camps, and such, how we start our days matter! Even when it comes to the new and "not normal" routine of summer.

That's why in this episode, I am sharing my current menu for fast and easy breakfast ideas. I am telling you the exact dietitian-mom approved menu we are working off of each week so that you can take it and copy it for your own use, or so that you can hear what I am doing as some inspiration to get you started with when coming up with your own weekly rotation of breakfast ideas.

So reheat that cup of coffee and make sure that you come up with a menu for your morning rotation as summer gets started. You can swap in and out new ideas at any point as you see tweaks are needed, ingredients are out, or plans change. The main point here is to start your day with one less thing to think about, since summer brings enough added coordination of kiddos already!


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Full Episode Transcription

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[00:00:00] Mama, are you struggling with how to feed your kids? Right? Do you wish that there was a way to help your child try new foods? Do you look at a pantry cluttered with pirate, booty and a fridge full of the same food every week and wonder how you're going to get your family's meals off the hot mess express.

[00:00:16] I know what it feels like to scroll through all the feeding accounts on Instagram and to see a bunch of Fuji food that my family would never eat. And I to have pinned all the healthy recipes with good intention. But zero execution. I understand as a busy mom of three, that it can feel really unattainable, especially on the days I'm exhausted.

[00:00:34] I have a short fuse. You really just want an easy button and the date way. Well, that's where these meals made. Easy episode ideas come. With everyday ingredients that you already have on hand, I give you one meal or snack idea week that's dietitian, mom approved, and is going to fit in your family's busy life.

[00:00:52] So get ready to press, add to cart and to make meals and snacks easy again. So one of the reasons I wanted to go ahead and share this is because I recently got back from getting to go away on an anniversary trip with my husband and as he and I got back and just kind of got back into the swing of things as June began.

[00:01:11] And I was looking at our summer calendar and just realizing, you know, it would make my life so much easier if we just had our breakfast rotation down and I've done this periodically. It's not something that I'm always consistent with, but there are seasons. Yeah. I feel like it's just one less thing that I have to think about.

[00:01:26] And right now, during the month of June, when my kids have swim team every morning and we have to be at the pool by seven 30 every day, it's not honestly that much different getting us up and ready, even though it's in swimsuits and sort of school attire, but getting my kids. For swim team, the way that I would be getting them ready for school.

[00:01:43] And so we have to be up Adam. And sometimes that means really quick breakfasts so that we aren't having to necessarily wake up that much earlier, but I can also get them to eat something before they're in the pool. And so this is what I decided for our family. And I thought I would just share it with you guys here, because whether you're still working during the summer and you need to stay on some sort of a routine and a schedule, similar to how you did during the school year.

[00:02:07] Even if your kids are technically out for. Or even if you have honestly, slow mornings and slow starts at home and you don't necessarily need something quick to just grab and go, before you get out the door, having any sort of breakfast rotation is going to help you tremendously, it helps kind of just reinforce routine in your life.

[00:02:26] Even if you maybe choose different menu options than the ones that I'm suggesting here. So know that this is just my suggestion. I'm sharing with you, what my family is going to be doing at least to the month of June. And then we'll reevaluate as we get into July and our routines change as swim team ends.

[00:02:43] And that's the thing I just love about this, but I love that. For weeks, I can just rinse and repeat the same menu and offer very similar things without in the morning before I've even had my cup of coffee, trying to come up with, what am I making for breakfast? I do not like on the spot. Decision-making like that, that tends to be when I just default to the same thing, rather than incorporating more righty or coming up with more.

[00:03:06] So if you need ideas for breakfast and you just want something that's very simple and very visual, make sure that you have my breakfast deck of combination cards. It'll show you each of these. It'll give you examples with my love, it like learning it framework and tons of variations so that you continuously can add variety with really obvious visuals of kind of how to put it together, whether it's you or a babysitter or your husband, or a grandparent, or whoever might be caring for your kids this summer.

[00:03:30] So make sure you have a deck of those. If you need some ideas, you can also get the PDF. So it's on your phone. Or on any caretakers phone as well, but for our menu, I wanted to go ahead and run through with you. The five days a week. I don't typically plan Saturday Sunday because those tend to be our slower mornings or if we have like swim meets and church and things, I like to kind of keep it open to go with the flow those days.

[00:03:52] Sometimes we, you know, make breakfast tacos. Sometimes we get breakfast tacos while we're out and about. I just leave those days open. So for the intention of today's episode, I'm going to just share with you five fast and easy breakfast ideas that we are using during the month of June. So on Monday, And our room, my kids do not have swim team.

[00:04:12] The pool is closed on Monday. And so I'm doing that as our make ahead Monday, whether I make about your muffins, that we have a breakfast, whether I make a bunch of pancakes and then, you know, make some extras. So we have them for the week, make waffles, whatever it is. I want Mondays to be my, make a headache.

[00:04:28] Cause I know that we'll be at the house that morning. I know that we don't have to hustle out to swim team. So I know that I'll have a little bit more time that I could put into breakfast, but I also know that on the weekend, I may or may not have done that, especially in the summers. You know, it seems like.

[00:04:43] Busier on the weekend. We really want to like take advantage of our family time, get outside. I'm just not spending the same amount of time in the kitchen always, or at least as consistently. And so I don't want to assume that I'm always going to make these things on the weekend, whether it be for breakfast or as part of my meal prep.

[00:04:57] So for us Monday, That's what I'm doing Tuesdays. We do toast Tuesdays. My kids love taco Tuesdays and I'm going with it. And I do toast Tuesdays. This might be all avocado toast. This might be peanut butter, banana toast, Alma veteran jelly. If you do just do like a butter and jelly toast, I mean the butter will give a little fat, but again, we always want to try and get some protein, fat and fiber in at any meal or snack.

[00:05:22] And so just know that if this is a breakfast that you need to like, carry your kids over for a little bit long, Try and pair it with something that has a little bit more protein and fat. If say your kid just wants like butter and toast. See if maybe they want to add something on the side, like a yogurt tube or a boiled egg or something.

[00:05:38] That'll add a little bit more substantial of a breakfast to that for toast Tuesday. But this is a very easy one. It's one of my kids have no come to know and love just as much as taco Tuesday. And I love it. So easy and I can crank it out really quick on Wednesday, even though it's summer, you can take this however you want.

[00:05:57] We're not huge on overnight oats here. I personally instilled learning to like them. The only ones I actually like are those store-bought containers and they're just too expensive for my preference. And so I'm not going to buy, you know, four overnight oat containers for myself and my kids when they're like three bucks a pop.

[00:06:14] But if you want to go for it or you can make your own, I personally. I don't know. I think I have some like lasting pregnancy aversion to overnight oats that like, I just haven't come around to. So we still do warm oatmeal. That's where I'm getting to Wednesdays has always been Wednesdays are for warm oatmeal.

[00:06:30] That's always what we've done. If summer makes you want to kind of branch out and try like an overnight oats. That's cold. You go for it. We love automobile. 5,000 degrees here in Houston. So Wednesday is warm oatmeal. You can obviously talk a lot of different ways is a great time to kind of play around with different combinations.

[00:06:47] But that's what we're doing on Monday. And for Thursday, I'm doing on the go Thursday with breakfast sandwiches, whether they eat it at home or on the go, I just like having an option. All of these really can be pretty portable. I mean, the oatmeal, I don't let them eat like in the car or on the golf cart on the way to swim team.

[00:07:05] But you know, a lot of these can really. Eaten fast or eaten, like on the road if needed. So we like doing breakfast sandwiches. We have a little I'll make sure to tag it or share it or something in correlation with this episode, but we have a little cooker and it's actually an individual pancake maker.

[00:07:22] I think, I think it's by like dash you can get at bed bath and beyond target Amazon. I'm pretty sure it's on my Amazon shop. I'll make sure to add it there, but we just use it for. So the kids know how to do it. They just, it's very safe. There's no like open flame or anything. The kids can just crack their own egg in it and makes like a little circular egg.

[00:07:38] So they can just put that on an English muffin with some cheese. Sometimes they might do a slice of ham or if we have any breakfast meats, which we don't usually have, they often put like avocado on it. Super easy one for the kids to do, especially if one kid is ready before the other ones, I can assign them the task of making those breakfast sandwiches.

[00:07:56] If I'm tied up helping the other two, get ready. So breakfast sandwiches for Thursday, and then Friday is fast. Friday by Friday, we are all done. We are all kind of over life. And I shouldn't say over life, we're just over, you know, probably the hustle of getting out the door. Seven 15. So again, whether you're working or taking the kids to swim team, or just try to get your day started in summer mode by Friday, I'm just not very aspirational.

[00:08:19] And so I do fast Fridays, so that might be like, Give or take with the granola. If you want to do that, do cereal, just do like hard boiled eggs and fruit, just something super simple, super easy. This is often like whatever's kind of left in our snack drawer because the snack drawer can often be used interchangeably with breakfast items.

[00:08:37] So we just kind of use that up before the weekend and do something really fast. So I feel like I'm ending the week strong, even if it's very low effort. So those are the five quick and easy ideas for Breakfast. That we are going to be rotating through for the next four weeks until our summer routine shifts a little bit, but I thought it might be helpful for you guys, because again, no matter what your summer looks like so far, if you're just getting started on it, I think practicing getting in this habit of building kind of.

[00:09:06] Rotation for breakfast is, or, you know, if you use my combination cards for lunches or snacks, you can really do this with any meal of the day, but it's such a helpful habit to be practicing right now in the summer. Kind of, you know, tease out some of the ideas to see what works with your kids, what works for your family, what works for the time out that you need in the morning to get yourself ready, get the kids ready, prep, breakfast, and come up with a rotation.

[00:09:29] So it's just what works for you. If it's a different type of bar every day, if it's a different type of yogurt packet or. Whatever you might need, find a rotation that you can commit to and try it for five days tweak as you need, and then adjust as needed. Each week, so you can continue to rinse and repeat this menu and make it work for you.

[00:09:49] So you guys have some really good rotations in place. Come back to school in a few months. So I hope this is super helpful. If you come up with a rotation, tag me on social, I would love to see what you're choosing Monday through Friday for bread. And it's always fun to get, to share those ideas so that everyone can just benefit from each other's brainstorming.

[00:10:09] So I hope this is helpful for you and enjoy your kickoff. The summer, these meals, easy ideas are helping you in any way, or this show is encouraging you and the messages and the mealtimes of motherhood. I would love to hear about it all you need to do. Scroll down on apple podcast and tap, write a review.

[00:10:28] I check each and every one of these and they truly blessed me to read. And to know how this show is helping shape your family's relationship with food so that I can continue to create content that serves you. That's thank you in advance for taking the time to leave me a review. And I look forward to seeing you back here next time.


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