The picky eating support, systems, and strategies parents have been looking for
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Hey there, I'm Ashley!

As a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) and mom to three picky eaters, I want to encourage moms like you in the meal times, messes, moments, and ministry of motherhood.

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I combine my professional expertise and personal experiences to help you achieve less meal time stress and more feeding success.

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My Professional Expertise


I knew from the very beginning that I wanted to work with moms just like you. I’ve always strived to help families create healthier eating habits.

It started with a degree in Food Science & Human Nutrition from Washington State University. I knew I needed as much as experience as possible in pediatrics, so I moved to Texas to pursue my dietetic internship and Master’s degree at the University of Texas School of Public Health.

While I was there, I was also able to complete the Leadership and Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) fellowship with Baylor College of Medicine. This was my first experience working hands on with youth and helped direct my path to a career in pediatrics.

Are you wondering how to become a dietitian? Click here to learn more.

Once I passed my registration exam, I began working at Texas Children's Hospital then at MD Anderson until the time my oldest was born. Knowing my passion has always been in pediatrics and working with families in the public health sector, it has been a gift to get to continue to share my professional passions with families while staying home to raise my own.

You see, while I have a lot of professional expertise, my personal experience with three picky eaters (while being a recovering perfectionist) is really where I fell in love with supporting you in this space.

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My Personal Experience

While I absolutely love what I do, I love the opportunity I have to be a stay-at-home mom with my three kids. My husband, Sam, and I have been married for nine wonderful years. We have three awesome kids, Claire (7), Brooke (5), and Owen (2). Someday I might become brave enough to bring a dog into the mix (personal clean-up assistant anyone?), but that just hasn’t happened quite yet!

When I’m not creating tools for you or chasing after my son, I can be found running, riding my new Peleton (woohoo!), at Bible Study, or spending time with friends.

We stay pretty busy as a family of five (you can see some of those adventures on Instagram), and I love showing you how I have fun feeding my family day-to-day.

One of my biggest passions is to help you find the ministry in motherhood. Between what often feels mundane with meal times and the messes that come with, you can see the beauty in raising God’s children. I want you to feel encouraged in not just what you feed your family, but also in how to nourish them inside and out.

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 Do you have a question?

Fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!

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This cheat sheet gives you a month's worth of drag and drop items you can combine or include in your kiddo's lunchbox. Even better, let your little one help pick ideas from each category every week for ongoing variety, new food exposure, and involvement (i.e. buy in to branch out)!

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