I help Christian moms know what to feed their families, so that they can get organized, add nutritional variety, and raise a generation of kids who have healthy relationships with food.

already feeling bored & bothered?

Back to school brings a whole new list of challenges when it comes to sending snacks and packing lunches. From healthy snack ideas for picky eaters, considerations for common allergens (and approved snack lists), and child-approved lunch items that are easy to pack and send, I hear from so many of you…

You feel stuck!

And the school year has barely started.

So let’s turn that rut into a routine and walk through the steps that will work for your family all school year long!

In this 3-day workshop, I’m going to teach you:

  1. How to save mental energy picking school snacks, lunch, and side ideas (that your child likes and their school accepts)

  2. How to save time making said items to send amidst the back to school hustle and bustle

  3. How to save money on healthy options (that won’t get rejected or break the bank)

Here are the details:

When is this happening?

Monday, September 12th - Wednesday, September 14th

Just for signing up, you get entered to win some awesome swag! So even if you can only catch the replays, make sure to register here!

Where is this happening?

In my private Facebook Group! Once you register for The Back to School Bootcamp, you can request to join us here.

What else do I need to do?

Show up! Seriously - I don’t care if you have a dirty mom-bun and are in your PJs, are rocking your baby with your airpods in, are sitting in the carpool lane to pick up your older kiddos, or I catch your little one picking their nose in the background while you turn on Bluey to tune in.

Life WILL happen the week we do this, so what I need you to do is don't let real life be your excuse for not showing up.

You need these simple tools to streamline packing snacks and lunches for school. I know because I am a mom of three school-aged kiddos myself, and these are the very secrets I use to keep our kitchen functioning come back to school

I’m giving them away to you for FREE, so seriously - make it a priority to come! It is going to save you time, money, and mental stress in all the school days to come.

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“My husband couldn’t believe that 3 months later, I was still using the systems Ashley helped me implement in my fridge. We are wasting less food, eating less take-out, and having much healthier meals as a family! Plus, whether I was cooking or my husband was, we knew what was on the menu, so it took very little mental energy to actually execute”

- Mary F., mom of 6 and 7 year old

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