Hey friend! So excited you are joining in for the Back to School Bootcamp! Make sure it is on your calendar right now: 9/12-9/14.
Be sure to also join our private Back to School Bootcamp Facebook Group. This is where you will watch all of the live trainings, collect new ideas from other moms, and have a chance to ask me questions. If you don’t have Facebook, don’t sweat it! I will send replays to your email after each day’s workshop.
LAST THING… You know that neighbor friend you text all the time with about school-related things? Would you invite them to this Back to School Bootcamp too? It’s going to be a party, and I know you want them there as your +1 as much as I do.
You can use one of the social links below, or just tell them to head to www.veggiesandvirtue.com/bootcamp to sign up!