Starting to Say Grace


This series has been on my heart for a while now.

From the daily messes of motherhood to the seasons in life that really just rock you to your core, I can’t help but want to shine a little light on our reality:

There is a lot of life that isn’t served up in a bento box nor happening as intended on our meal plans.

While those are the areas I am passionate about professionally, I can’t pass up the opportunity to also provide a human element here too. I think our health demands it. There is no meal that affords us the deep-down health benefits of time spent sitting across the table from a true friend. Even if you and I have just met, I hope you may find that a small piece of my story encourages you in yours.

I understand this segment of Veggies & Virtue goes outside the norm. It stretches to those secret corners of life that social media rarely shares. It touches on topics of faith and family in a way that most would consider unrelated to food. It is more transparent than polished and gives testimony to life being about a process over perfection. I know some aren't used to "saying grace" in a traditional, Christian sense, but I think there is still something we all share: the human element of health.


My hope is “Saying Grace” will be a small spot on my site that reminds us to:

  • Take those few minutes before a meal to slow down
  • Bow our heads
  • Bring ourselves into a vulnerable state where we speak Truth over today
  • Say thanks, even if for nothing beyond the blessing of the food in front of us
  • Show our kids how to choose gratitude over grumbling
  • Find strength to finish off the day
  • Put ourselves amidst those we love and in front of the One who loves us more than anyone


Just as meal times can be messy, full of mistakes, unpredictable emotional outbursts, and with uncertain outcomes, life can look this way too.

What a difference it makes when we stop to first say grace.


I’m starting today. I hope you’ll join me and find a bit of encouragement as you do.

Ashley Smith